Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Saying Good Bye For a Short Time

(Written By Rudys Raiser)
We headed out to the puppy meeting this morning (a fun mall walk), and this is also where wed be doing the "puppy swap".
Rudy did get to do some obedience training with me first, before I handed him off to the other puppy raiser.
Once we swapped, I didnt see Rudy until after the puppy meeting ended (we went off in small groups - and wandered the malls). The dog I have for the following 2 weeks (Al, Rudys brother) is HUGE (maybe thats why hes called "Big Al"...), and the guide dog harness had to be loosened drastically, before I could even try and clip it around his belly!
Putting aside Als hefty weight, hes a great dog, (well, he does have issues in some places - which we are working on, but he does enjoy working).
Al does look quite like Rudy, but they are totally different with training & such! (Rudy likes to do his commands, right on the spot, when told. Al has to "think about it" before following through with the command!), Im eager to see what Al can do, and Im looking forward to working him tomorrow, and introducing him to the farm animals!
I cant what to find out the odd habits he may have, its quite interesting having the brother of the dog youre raising!
I will be sending out a reminder tomorrow, but (if you have time), furry please head over to Mango Minster - and vote fur Rudy (who made it into Best In Show... by winning first in his category!), Rudy would just love to win Best In Show. We thank you for your vote :)
And dont forget - Rudys VALENTINES GIVEAWAY is coming up this Monday!
Enjoy the pictures below, and please note that the first THREE pictures are of Rudy (with me)... NOT "Big" Al (Rudys brother).
Have a great weekend!
Rudys Raiser

Picture of Rudy & I doing a forward walk, Rudy is in harness
Picture of Rudy (and other pups beside him) doing a sit-stay, all the raisers are at the end of the leash - in front of the dogs (including me)

Picture of Rudy in a sit-stay beside me

All pictures below, are now of "Big" Al, NOT Rudy
Picture of Al (Rudys brother) in a sit-stay in harness/coat, Im holding up a stuffie from
Picture of Al & Judy (They other pup in our small group) meeting the Chick-fl-a cow inside the mall
Picture of Al & I in front of a rhino statue inside the mall (Als in a sit/stay)
Picture of Al in a sit-stay with me holding a pink cowboy hat right over his head

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