Senin, 16 Mei 2016

Dog Training Tips Be a Consistent Positive Pack Leader

The approach you take when dog draining is very important. If youre negative about it, chances are that the training results will not be what you want them to be. However, if you get yourself in the right mindset, it is likely that your dog/puppy will grow up to be a well-mannered, easy to control animal. Follow the below dog training tipsand youll be headed in the right direction:
• Be the pack leader.
Dogs are pack animals; therefore they follow and look to the actions of their pack leader for direction. A good way to show your dog that you are the pack leader is by giving him food after you finish your meal; also, when you leave the house for any reason, such as a walk, you should be the first one to walk out the door with him following, and the first to walk back in when returning. These two tips are ways to help your dog see you as his pack leader. Stick to this regimen and keep it consistent to reinforce the thought.

• Use positive reinforcement.
Reward your dog every time he does something good. If you do it enough, he will continue to act that way. Try not to inflict punishment when your dog does something wrong, but instead ignore it or redirect him. If you punish him, he will see you as an enemy instead of his pack leader and friend.
• Set realistic goals.
Dont expect your dog to be completely trained in a day or two. It takes time. They learn much slower than humans-it may take around 3 days to learn a simple command like "sit." If you have unrealistic expectations, you may get frustrated which can contribute to poor training results. Keep in mind that consistency is a key, training needs to be worked on on a daily basis for it to be successful.

• Use proper timing.
You must know when to praise your dog, which should be immediately after he does something you want him to do. Otherwise he wont understand what you are praising him for. This means that you should have the reward on your person, such as treats in your pocket, when asking your dog to do something, then you can reward immediately after he has done what he has been asked. It will defeat the purpose of the reward if you ask him to sit, he does so, then you have to run to the kitchen to get a reward; by the time you come back, chances are he wont remember hes being rewarded for sitting.
• Patience, patience, patience.
Dog training isnt easy. Depending on your dog and his personality, it could take a very short time... or a very long time to implement or change the exact behaviors you would like to. Patience is vital in training, so dont give up. Be prepared for mistakes and setbacks. Dont yell at your dog or show anger. If you feel that your dog is tired and needs a break, try again later. Small, regular training sessions will most likely be more successful than long sessions.
Following the above steps will help you train your dog effectively. Some tips dont work for every dog, you can talk to a behaviorist or a veterinarian for further dog training tips.
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