Senin, 23 Mei 2016


Thats furry right... at our guide dog meeting yesterday; we not only practiced our commands/obedience... we also learned about Health/First Aid, CPR & the Heimlich Maneuver for DOGS.
We started off with some obedience (normal sit/down/stand stay, forward, right/left, and such). Then we did a short puppy swap (5-10 min) and kept working with obedience. Seems as though I was a little more interested in paying attention to my raiser; then to the person that had me :) But that is the reason why we do these puppy swaps.
My raiser was very impressed when she was working me, and did notice that I did extremely well with the dog distraction issues I have. (she puts me in a sit-stay X feet away from the dog(s) and slowly moves closer - continuing the sit-stay, if I break it... then we move back. The goal is for the raisers to be able to great each other... while the dogs ignore each other).
After they worked the wiggles out of us; we all sat down and our AC did a 45+ minute talk on Health/First Aid for dogs (which my raiser really did enjoy and learned a whole lot from!).
They learned things from caring for ear infections, taking a dogs pulse, doing CPR and much more!
My raiser did get to use the Heimlich Maneuver on ME (which I didnt care for...), but CPR & Mouth to "Snout" is something they werent allowed to test on us (thank goodness!). But the AC did say they are getting a "CPR" dog for the next meeting.
My raiser said it was a great meeting - and to make things better... we were also given the guide dog harness to bring home! (pictures coming soon).
Enjoy the pictures below - Im off to hope I NEVER start choking and need my raiser to give me the Heimlich Maneuver!

The dog with a blog

Picture of Rudy in coat doing a sit-stay
Picture of Rudy in coat doing a stand-stay
Picture of Rudy in coat doing a forward walk inside

Picture of me giving Rudy the Heimlich Maneuver

Picture of Rudy sleeping beside me; while we are watching a power point presentation on health/first aid for dogs

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