Senin, 30 Mei 2016

My Beautiful Boy

*(Written by Rudys Raiser)*
Hey guys, Rudys Raiser here... I was planning on letting Rudy post today, but when I checked the SEGDI guide dog trainers twitter page, I thought youd rather have a "different" update.

Most of you know, that my last guide dog puppy "Toby" returned to the guide dog school in April 2010 - he was "career changed" in October 2010. (He had severe allergies, and couldnt be a working guide dog). And in November/December 2010 Toby decided to try out life as a Search & Rescue dog, and last I heard, he loves it!

I was very happy to see a picture of my beautiful boy "Toby" (in his new career uniform) on the twitter page this morning.
He looks just like I remembered him, I cant believe its almost been a whole year since I turned him in!
For some more good news - the "3 month no contact" is almost up, and I will be (trying) to get in contact with Tobys handler next week.
(The school doesnt allow contact for 3 months, once the dog is placed in a new home - as they want the dog to "bond" with his/her new owner).
Ill be sure to update you all on him, once I hear more :)

BTW - Tobys 2nd birthday is coming up, hell be turning TWO YEARS OLD on March 27th.
(and Rudy is turning ONE year old on March 17th!).

Enjoy the picture below (of TOBY),

Rudys Raiser

Picture of Toby in a sit-stay wearing his service jacket, the front says Service K-9, you can see his handler standing beside him

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