Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Free Dog Training Tips for New Dog or Puppy Owners

By far the best dog training tips originate from dog owners and trainers who have faced challenges and solved them successfully.
Using the advice of certified professional dog trainers both directly (hiring a trainer) and indirectly (through resources such as books and DVDs), the author trained two Cockapoo puppies that are now three years old. Are they perfect? Of course not - dog training never ends. Its a continuous process hopefully built on a solid foundation of mutual trust and doggie habit.
Quite frankly, issues continue to pop up. Right now, Sir Arf-A-Lot challenges me on a daily basis with inappropriate barking. So I re-researched the "stop the barking" resources and came up with a plan.

Unfortunately, the plan cannot work until the family member who refuses to listen but constantly complains about the barking leaves for another place of residence. It aint gonna work unless everyone is on board. Thats one of my lessons learned contained in my free dog training tips: dog training is doomed unless all of the participants agree to consistently apply the solution.
The Contents of the Free Dog Training Tips
The tips are divided into three categories of articles: house training a dog, basic obedience training, and solutions to dog aggression.
For example, there is an article in the obedience training section that discusses the five basic dog obedience commands. An article in the house training category relates puppy crate training tips. And the section on aggression reveals how to handle the most common puppy aggression topic - biting and mouthing.
The Benefits of Free Dog Training Tips
For new dog and puppy owners, the benefits of this information are obvious. You get the information for free and you know it worked because the author has proof. The best example - Simon the Cockapoo began puppy biting from the day we brought him home to the point where he finally figured out humans are not litter mates. I consistently applied the technique I explain in the article mentioned above. His biting diminished and stopped in about a week.
More proof - both dogs are house trained - they let us know when they want to go outdoors for relief. Theres no slipping up at all. And yes, they know the basic obedience commands.
How do I benefit? I have shared the information so that someone else wont make the same mistake. I have tested a good number of products, reviewed them, and posted the reviews as articles. You may or may not need a chew toy to stop dog chewing or a dog training DVD, but at least the resource is there if you decide its worthwhile.
These free dog training tips are contained in a series of articles entitled Designerpuppys Dog and Puppy Training Lensography. A lens is an article and a lensography is a collection of lenses on the web site squidoo.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7166038

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