Rabu, 18 Mei 2016

Da Banquet By Rudy

Rudy here... yes, IM BACK!! Did ya miss me??

Lots of updates (and pictures) coming furry soon, but fur now - this post is going to be all about the banquet... to celebrate the Great Race for Bunny and Pip.

I heard that they had some furry cool coaches... (Puddles and Roo Roo)

Picture of Roo and Puddles

But on to the GOOD PART...

My Raiser & I (of course) had to go shopping for some GOOD food
Picture of Rudy in a down-stay in coat, beside him (on the right) is a shopping basket... the main thing visible is oreos!

I decided on bringing some very tasty drinks...
Picture of 4 random drinks

And we even brought HUGE hamburgers... for everybody to share! (want some...)
Picture of a extremely tall hamburger

For dessert - we brought DOGGY cupcakes :)
Pictures of REAL dog cupcakes - they look so tasty!

And for all those dogs that like cereal/munchies... I picked up some before heading to the banquet!
Picture of some random names for dog cereal
For my clothing...
I decided to wear my BEST fuzzy sweater, for this wonderful occasion...
Picture of Rudy wearing a pink sweater - picture is black/white
Im off to go visit some other doggies attending, its good fur me to get out and talk to some furiends! (After, I head over and eat a hamburger or 2... and I think I heard tail, that another blogger will be bringing Cheetos!)
For a list of other bloggers that did a banquet post, you can view it here at Frankie Furters blog.

And dont forget about the Auction for Richie & Ronni!!
(For all who like my raisers Goat Milk Soap... she did donate some doggy themed soap, for the auction - so head over and bid now!)
Dont furget that my Valentines Giveaway ends March 1st 2011... new followers are welcome to enter!
Updates AND new pictures of me, coming furry soon - and for my followers that have no idea what this "banquet" thing is... thats fine :) It took me a lot of other blog post reading; to even figure out what I was suppose to do! (Thanks Frankie!).
Happy partying! And Im soo glad to be home! (I know my raiser is happy to see me).

Rudy - The dog with a blog

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