Senin, 16 Mei 2016

Da Lake

OMD, I have just found my true love fur water!
Way back (last year) my raiser took me to a guide dog pool party, and found out that I was not very "keen" of swimming.
But fur some odd reason, Ive changed my furry little mind!
Today, after our "mini farm camp" ended, my raiser (her brother, sister & friend) took me to something called a "lake"... which held lots of water.
She let me go near the water to "investigate" and when I showed interest of wanting to get in, she decided to let me try it. Not knowing that I soon would absolutely fall in love with swimming.
Once I touched the water, I found my true passion... swimming, and man was it fun!
Ive been reading some of my followers blog posts, and noticed that a lot of my friends have a pool - or visit a lake. I guess that looked like so much fun, that I wanted to try it fur myself!
Since Im heading IFT on June 4th, my raiser plans on taking me MANY more times to this lake, before I head back :)
Enjoy the pictures/movie below.
Rudy - The dog with a blog
Note from Raiser: (Rudy was on leash at ALL times during his "swimming" fun - though next time, I will be taking a longer leash!).

Picture of Rudy sniffing around in the water

Picture of Rudy jumping into the water

Picture of Rudy standing in the water

(Movie of Rudy with my/my sisters friend - he was on leash swimming, and then when I called him, he came swimming over to me - at the beginning of the movie clip, Rudy accidentally "hit" my/my sisters friend with his paw... while trying to "doggy paddle" )

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