Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

Tuesday with Trixie

Ive finally got to meet my playdate pals new "sister"! (our neighbors new 12 week old pup).
My furry cool raiser took me over for a short playdate, and I got to sniff Trixie (the new puppy) through the fence!
Shes a world of cutest and oh so small; shes also a rescue puppy which is why she is a little bit skinny, but her new owners are working on fattening her up!
Since she is still quite small and "fragile" I wasnt allowed to play with her... but someday soon I shall be able too!
I was quite happy to be able to sniff her through the chain link fence that Tracker & I were playing in, but poor little Trixie was dying to come play with us!
Enjoy the furry cute pictures below,
Furry Tuesday Kisses,
The dog with a blog
Picture of Trixie (shoulder up) of her sitting; shes wearing a neon purple collar
You smell funny... almost like a puppy??
picture of Trixie sniffing Rudy through the fence; Tracker is watching on the right side

I thinks I can FLY!
Picture of Tracker & Rudy playing with each other in the chain link fence

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