Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

This Thing Called Spell Check

I think Im finally understanding the rules for blogging, this odd keyboard, how to upload photos, AND how to view all of your furry cool blogs.
But first things first... Rudys Raiser, seems to think I need to use "spell check", before publishing a post. She keeps telling me theres always a chance I could spell a word wrong... and without spell check, I would never know.
Im a dog for crying out loud - Im not suppose to know how to spell!
That didnt go over well with Rudys Raiser though, she made me click that "ABC" button, and you know what?
Like HALF the words turned yellow, and she made me fix each & every one of them.
I think it would be much simpler if we just skipped spell check.
Whatever, some raisers are just hard to work with. I dont get how Rudy ever did blogging on his own, its like his raiser OWNS and RUNS this blog, and you have to do it all her way.

She also seems to think I need to work on better "training manners", she even made me a list:
- Learning to NOT pull near as hard
- Doing commands when told
- Quit Pulling
- Learning the command "NO NOISE"
- Quit Pulling
- No barking allowed
- Quit Pulling
- No Trash Surfing
- Quit Pulling
- Quit taking ALL the toys out of the toy bucket, every single second
- Learn to "come" when called
- Did I mention, no pulling??
You get the idea! She seems to think I need to work on soo many things, but we are only taking it one step at a time. She mostly is working me on NOT PULLING (near as hard). Seems as though, Im 3-4 times as strong as Rudy was... and he was already pretty darn strong!
She is happy that Im getting along with her other dogs, and how calm I am (most of the time...), shes looking forward to working me out in town, but due to the fact that shes SICK right now, shes yet to take me anywhere.
Enjoy the pictures of ME below - at least I can upload photos onto blogger, without any help.
BTW - as many may already know... she did make me use spell check on this post :( Though I think you guys would enjoy reading misspelled words.
P.S. For anyone that hasnt entered Rudys Valentines Giveaway, please make sure to stop by and enter!

Rudys Brother, "Big" Al

Picture of Al laying down with toys laying around him, hes got a playful face on... and looks very cute!
Picture of Al in a sit, looking at all the toys out in front of him (the toy bucket is knocked over - and completely empty, but Al isnt playing with a single toy)
Picture of Al laying down, chewing on a bone

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