Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016

Update on Rudy

*(written by Rudys Raiser)*
For all that have missed our last few posts - Rudy is attending a puppy swap (through our guide dog group) and currently, hes away at another raisers home.
He will return to us this Saturday (after the guide dog meeting), but for now - I have "Al" (Rudys brother) who has been doing the last couple of posts on this blog.
So for all who wonder why "Al" is writing the blog posts... well, thats why!
Rudy will be back on the blog, this weekend.
On to the updates about Rudy...
The raiser who has Rudy for the puppy swap, has noticed that Rudy (looks to have) allergies, so weve been emailing over the last couple days. (Normally you "shouldnt" have contact with the other raiser - unless its about medical issues). In her emails, she did give me a few updates about Rudy, and sent a couple pictures too. (Updates about Rudys allergies, coming later - though we both assume his allergies are to corn).
Im not going to copy her whole email in this post - but Ive taken a couple parts out of the email, for you guys to see.

"Rudy is having a blast being at our house. He has made friends with the two labs across the street and has outsmarted the younger one when it comes to playing with the toy. He spent most of the afternoon outside hanging in the backyard with his new friends. Rudy was a very good boy at church this morning and slept right through all the kids dancing and singing. I am guessing he knows that Ely can’t play with him (he tried though by taking him a toy last night) but today he has not messed with Ely at all."

"He loves running around our backyard and has been enjoying the warmer weather.

He is past out asleep right now, he went to Costco and to the vet to pick up some meds for Ely this afternoon. Then he played outside before we went for a walk. He was very good laying still while I got pictures printed. He loved the walk in refrigerator"

"I can certainly see the golden in him! (Mostly in his personality)"

"Rudy is a sweet guy and loves to be touched. He has really good house manners so far"

Those are just some parts taken out of our email conversation, I do hope you guys enjoyed the (short) update.

Pictures below are of Rudy (not Al) and were taken by the Raiser that Rudy is currently staying with, during the puppy swap.

The raiser who currently has Rudy, also keeps a blog. And she just happened to do a post this morning, all about Rudy - so make sure to check it out!

Rudy returns this Saturday (when his Valentines Giveaway ends). Enjoy the pictures below, have a great Monday!

Rudys Raiser

Picture of Rudy in coat in a sit/stay. Hes got his happy face on... and looks to be smiling
Picture of Rudy sitting, inside the raisers home

Picture of Rudy (on LEFT) and another black dog (on right) in a sit-stay. Both were playing in the raisers fenced in, backyard

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