Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

IFT Time

As most of you know, Rudy returned to the guide dog school this past Monday (5-30-2011) for IFT (In For Training).
Ive been putting off doing a post on his blog for days, as I cant Check Spellinghandle to think about him.

Obviously I really hope he does well with his training, and can make it as a guide dog; but I keep having this feeling in the back of my mind - that hes going to get CC due to allergies/such.
Please keep him in your prayers, not only for him to do well with training - but for him to also pass his medical exams.

Since I dont have another puppy at the moment, but Im really wanting to keep this blog updated - I will be "drawing out" the pictures and such. So this post will only have pictures of the acutely "drop off", but the pictures taken on the way down, will be posted later.

We arrived at the guide dog school a little before 10am on Monday morning. Showing up a little early, as I wanted a couple pictures in front of the guide dog sign.
Rudy was quite interested in the dog scent that was everywhere - but did obey his sit-stay for the photos.
We were turning in Rudy on Memorial Day (as we were unable to attend the IFT date), so they had very few staff there; which ended up being quite nice...

Normally, once you hand over the dog - its just taken away (heading to the IFT kennel). And we dont see them again (for now).
But since they didnt have a trainer there to take Rudy, they allowed me to walk him to the IFT kennel (which Ive never seen!) - while a kennel assistant escorted us.
I was quite happy to be able to have Rudy for those few extra minutes, but the second I handed over that leash - I was in tears.
Did Rudy care? Not one bit!
Maybe after a little while he started wondering where I was, but hes quite dog distracted... and thought he was in doggy heaven.

When people ask whats the hardest thing to do with puppy raising - the "IFT Time" is always my answer. Giving up a pup that youve had since a young age, while keeping in mind that you may never see him/her again - is what I call hard.

I will be posting some more pictures soon, and Rudy also wanted me to let you guys know the "surprise animal" we picked up down in FL (still not a new puppy - or kitty).

Rudys Raiser

Picture of Rudy & I beside the guide dog sign - hes in coat

Close up picture of Rudy & I

Picture of just Rudy in a sit-stay beside the guide dog sign

Close up picture of Rudy in a sit-stay

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