Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016

almost Wordless Wednesday Windy Walk

Thanks to all who entered my giveaway (which ended yesterday)... winners will be announced tomorrow :)

My raiser has been taking me on (somewhat) short walks (which I LOVE!!), as shes wanting to make sure I can walk on "loose leash" and not be distracted by cars/leafs/animals/etc.
Shes been very impressed with how well Ive been walking (shes been doing this for months).

Enjoy the "forward walk" pictures/movie below
("forward walks" are in coat or harness... no "funny business" or sniffing around).

P.S. for all who are thinking "this forward walk sounds like NO FUN" - I really do enjoy it... and my raiser does take me on lots of "fun walks" too ("fun walks" are out of coat/harness and sniffing is allowed!)

Rudy - The dog with a blog

Picture of Rudy in harness in a sit-stay on the road, hes smiling at the camera

Picture of Rudy in harness in a down-stay on the road

Picture of Rudy in a forward walk, with his left ear flipped over

Picture of Rudy in a foward walk in harness, its very windy out and his ears are blowing in the breeze Picture of Rudy in harness doing a right-right onto a drive way

(Movie of Rudy in harness in a "forward walk" - its quite windy out, but Rudy doesnt mind at all. He really enjoyed the walk!)

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