Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

Fun While Working

I had a furry fun shopping trip yesterday... filled with lots of "Rudy... sit/stay" (snap of picture)... "Rudy... Forward", go another 2 feet... "Rudy... sit/stay" (snap of picture) - and on and on... My raiser thinks taking pictures with me in a "sit-stay" is a lot of furry fun for HER. If she could just realize WALING FORWARD is a LOT easier for both of us and will get places quicker.

Other than the picture taking part of the shopping trip... I did have lots of fun! I really enjoy working with the guide dog harness, and I love getting to go into shops. (please note: My raiser IS NOT allowed to/and doesnt use the handle of the harness).

My raiser said Im doing much better with my pulling, and she was very impressed with her our worked during our shopping trip.

Have a furry good weekend... and enjoy the pictures below!

Rudy - the dog with a blog

Um.... Mom... could we GO anytime soon??
Picture of Rudy in a sit-stay in coat while wearing the harness and hes looking straight ahead; ready for the command forward!

YUMMY - its the candy section!
Picture of Rudy in a sit-stay in coat/harness with the candy section behind him

Mommy.... PLEASE, can I have just one???
Picture of Rudy in a sit-stay in coat/harness with lots of large Valentines stuffed animals beside him; hes giving me the PLEASE can I have one? Look!

Finally, not a "sit-stay" photo... See, we are MOVING in the picture...
Picture of Rudy in coat/harness doing the command forward beside me (walking 2 feet ahead of me)

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