Senin, 09 Mei 2016

Im leaving

No, not for good!!
But its "puppy swap" time at our puppy group... and Ill be gone for 2 whole weeks.
For those of you who dont know what a "puppy swap" is, Ill explain...
During the 1+ year our raisers have us, we have to participate in a "puppy swap". This swap could be at any time... and for as many weeks as the Area Coordinator wants.
The AC will assign us dogs a different raiser for those weeks (she tries to place us in different environments... for a dog who doesnt go to work with its raiser; they place it with a raiser who would take the dog to work) and for those weeks we follow the new raisers schedule.
This is to get us dogs used to working in different environments - being handled by different raisers - learning to obey with someone other than our normal handler - and much more.
My puppy swap date has been set for THIS Saturday, I will go to stay with another raiser for 2 weeks... and then return back to my current raiser.
While Im away, my raiser will have my brother "Al" (also known as, and called "Big Al"...).
Sadly, I wont be able to update this blog while Im gone - BUT Ive given permission to my Raiser that (if Al wants) he may update my blog while Im away.
I really hope he wont scare all my followers away... and you will continue to read my posts when I return. Hes a great dog (like me!) and I just know youll love him.
My raiser will most likely update once or twice about Al, before letting him on - but hes related to me, so hell get the hang of it quite quickly!
On a different note - furry thanks to all who voted fur me at Mango Minster, and though I didnt win the "readers choice" award... the judge just so happened to pick me as the winner!
Im furry excited to have won, and Im looking forward to the Best In Show competition, thats coming up.
AND... I also want to thank The Teachers Pets for picking me as one of their friends to highlight on their "Thankful For 3 Friends" blog hop, furry thanks!
Have a happy Thursday, and I do plan on posting before I leave,
Rudy - The Good Old Dog
Black/white picture of Rudy in a down-stay in coat/harness at a meeting. He looks quite bored, but behaved very well!

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