Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

Useful Dog Training Tips

Clicker Training Your Dog
Training your dog is not only a responsible and satisfying aspect of being a dog owner, but also a means of establishing a rapport based on mutual trust, respect, and love. It can also save your dogs life under unexpected circumstances.
Typical dog training tips using verbal commands are great - depending on the breed with which you are working. Not all breeds respond well to verbal cues. Some, such as hounds, terriers, and toys, require an alternative method to traditional canine training. Clicker training is such a means for frustrated dog owners.
Clicker training, using a small, hand-held clicker, elicits positive responses by reinforcing a specific action with a click and a subsequent, immediate reward. Indeed, dog owners have experienced such a high degree of success with clickers that more and more animal owners are using clickers with horses, cats, and other species!
The two indispensable tools in this training are the clicker and a treat for drawing the desired result from your dog. Trainer suggestions for using the clicker method include:
1. If the dog does not respond appropriately, consider nonverbal cues that you may be giving your dog. Is your body language inconsistent or confusing? Does your dog understand that there is a connection between the click command and a desired action? Are there too many distracting elements that might throw off your dogs response?
Try a more isolated environment and be aware of your influence. Be consistent with body movement. Avoid verbal issuance (except with puppies). If necessary, repeat signals accompanied by physical reinforcement (gently but firmly).

Watch for indications of when your dog makes the connection between the click and the desired response and repeat, gradually diminishing use of physical actions until the correct response to the clicker is embedded in the dogs mind. Try different types of treats until you find the one that your dog most enjoys.
2. Initially refrain from using verbal commands, as this may cause confusion in the dogs mind. (With puppies, use a one-word command immediately preceding the click.) Reinforce with simple, consistent, firm (yet gentle) physical corrections, if needed, and the treat. Most breeds will respond better to this approach, and voice commands may be added at a later time after the dog has mastered clicker commands.
3. Be aware of how much training time is humanely possible for your dog! For a puppy, 3-5 minutes will suffice, followed by lots of loving. For an older dog, 5-10 minutes is an adequate amount. If your dog is responding well, limit your training to 15-20 cycles within a 3-5-minute session.
4. Do NOT reprimand your dog if he does not understand immediately! Make this an activity of love, trust, and reinforcement, which will carry your dogs desire to please you much further! Ensure that your dog is making the connection between the click sound and the required response.
If he is having problems or appears unmotivated, break the exercise down to its most basic units and slowly and patiently build up your dogs interest, motivation, and reward. Try changing the reward to see if it elicits a better response from your dog.
5. Punishment is harsh and unnecessary. Refrain from it, both verbally and physically. Correct your dog firmly and gently until he gets it right. Praise a puppy with delight and affection when it responds correctly. Let him make the association of doing what YOU want with love and reward! The time, effort, and bonding will always make it worthwhile for both of you!

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