Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Quick Rewind The Trip Down

Wow, I cant believe that Rudys been gone for (almost) a whole month. Ill be looking forward to the "phone call" or "email" soon... giving me news on whether Rudy passed his medicals or not.

Im doing a "quick rewind" and posting the pictures of the trip down the FL (for dropping Rudy off).
He was such a good boy, and slept most of the way - waking up sometimes, to find out what was going on.
When we picked up miss Cupcake (the mini piglet), Rudy was very calm - and didnt mind sharing the back with her (though she stayed in the crate). I know he was wishing he could have spent more time with her, they sure would have been great buds!
All in All, Rudy did wonderful - though the trip back (without him) was quite lonely.

Rudy is definitely missed here, but I wish him the best of luck with his training.

Rudys Raiser

Picture of Rudy chewing on a bone in the car
Picture of Rudy staring out the window in the car

Picture of Rudy laying on his bed in the hotel room

Picture of Rudy in a down-stay at the hotel breakfast place

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