Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Housetraining puppies can so frustrating!

We understand that housetraining puppies can be frustrating! The good news is, if you are extremely diligent you can get through this very quickly — however, it will require work from you! Here are some Zen Dog Training tricks to help you out.

Prompting Behavior
When you bring your pup outside, make sure you clip a four to eight-foot drag line onto her leash. This way, if shes not listening to you during Name Game, you can gently "coax" her along with the leash. Dont forget to reward her with a ton of praise and a treat when she gets to you.*

  • 100% supervision is a must. If a mistake happens, you want to be right there to catch it in the act. Continue to interrupt these mistakes, and then race her outside to finish.
  • Create a schedule that you and your family can follow. This way, youll all know when your puppy has peed, pooed, how much and how often. This will help you identify her "problem times" of the day. More importantly, you everyone in the family will know when your dog is "loaded" or "full."
  • What do you do with a loaded or full dog? If youve taken your dog outside and they just wont go, you should take her back inside, then immediately put her in her crate with a chew bone or food toy. Wait. After shes been in the crate for about 15-20 minutes, carry her outside. Again, spend about 5-10 minutes trying to get her to do her business. If she still doesn’t go put her back in the crate for another 15-20 minutes. Repeat this as often as you need to until she goes.
  • When youre outside for a potty break, try not to play with your dog or act too excited — no "Come on, its pee-pee time!" Instead, just act like its time to get down to business. And, I cant stress this enough: AVOID EYE CONTACT. Look away from her in a way so she cant tell youre watching what she is doing. When she finally does pee or poop, reward her when shes finished with your attention — at last! — and some high-value treats.
  • If your puppy insists on playing around and eating stuff outside, physically prompt her to a new location — remember that drag line! — and stoically wait her out.
I hope this helps!

To learn more about our housetraining tips, drag lines and Name Game, and to download our Housetraining eBook, please visit Zen Dog Training Online.

* Dont use the drag line to reel your puppy back to you. You want her to know that the experience of coming to you to is always fun!

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