Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Welcome Home Brandon! and HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY RUDY!

*(Written by Brandons Raiser)*
Brandon was able to come back HOME yesterday afternoon, and boy was he excited to be back!
The vet said we dont have to monitor his water, since hes not over drinking (knew that already...) but he is on a very strong antibiotic, in hopes that it will keep the infection (if thats whats wrong) gone.
So far, so good - When picking him up yesterday, they told us since hes been on the antibiotics hes had NO accidents and that has followed through for now! Its amazing to have a dog that can wait a whole TWO hours, instead of needing to pee every 5min!
Im hoping & praying that these antibiotics continue to work (hell be on them for 3 weeks), since we dont have many other options to try, but of course, well have to wait and see.
With being in a kennel for the last 9 days, Brandon is doing extremely well. He settled in fine back at home, and even had to run some errands yesterday. My younger sister even took Brandon into Food Lion with her, to pick up a few things... and they actually worked WELL together! (This is quite a surprise to me, since Brandon doesnt always work well with other people... he tends to be a "one person" dog). Im so happy hes settled back in so well, and Im looking forward to working him again!
I will keep you guys updated about Brandon, and he hopefully will be back on the blog & posting shortly.

I also wanted to take a minute to wish Rudy a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Today (March 17th - St. Patricks Day) is Rudys SECOND birthday :) Wherever he is, I sure hope hes happy and enjoying himself :) Hopefully I receive some news on him in a few weeks.

On another quick note... I know several of my blogger friends have already noticed, yes my email account has been hacked and Im so sorry about the spam email(s) that were sent out to any of you guys (sadly, all my previous emails/contacts are currently gone - and Im unable to send out an apology email at the moment... hopefully yahoo! is working on getting them back for me).

Thanks for keeping Brandon in your thoughts & prayers over the last week, things still arent for sure whether hell stay better or not... but Im hoping for the best!
Enjoy the cute pictures below of Brandon,

-Brandons Raiser

Please know that in the below pictures, our puppies shouldnt be allowed to do this... but when (or if) it happens, you always have to grab a picture before giving corrections!! (otherwise youd miss a really cute photo opportunity!)
Picture of Brandon sticking his front paws/face out of a LOW window

Picture of Brandon in almost the same position, just looking to his left instead of at the camera

Another cute picture of Brandon!

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