Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

Upcoming Review Just for YOU!

As many of my furry cool readers know, weve done many reviews AND giveaways through CSN stores.
My raiser is always buying some cool doggy item for me, or ordering some cool doggy item for me to use as a giveaway on our blog.
CSN stores has offered our blog another item to review/giveaway. At this point I think my raiser will order some things for ME but may order a doggy thing to do a giveaway later with :)
Shes said something about ordering me some new doggy toys, but shes also been looking at modern furniture - Ive just got to convince her that I REALLY NEED MORE TOYS and she DOESNT need anymore furniture. Well see how well thats going to go...
Ive got some furry cool items already for a upcoming giveaway (maybe Valentines Day?), but Ill let you guys know more on that later :)
Enjoy the picture below... taking a break at a food court; after a long shopping day.
Have a Furry Terrific Tuesday!
The dog with a blog
Picture of Rudy in a down-stay in coat beside a table in a food court

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