Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

Preventing Unwanted Elimination Habits

Meet Cassie!

Cassie is an old English sheepdog puppy. She just turned three months and is taking in all life has to offer. Her day start and ends with an amazing off lead romp through the Fells. On one hand this is great. Her owner has committed to giving Cassie the opportunity to; as I like to say "Be a Dog" but as an unintended side affect of this extremely consistent ritual, it has made the process of going the bathroom for Cassie a very exclusive event.

Cassie has become very picky about where to do her business. Because her only experience of going to the bathroom is in the privacy of a hidden bush or tree off lead in the the woods. I guess you could say she now has a bit of stage fright. Noises like cars and people talking make it far too distracting for her to concentrate on the task at hand. Being on leash inhibits her from finding a secluded location and just forget even trying to make anything happen on pavement! Although the Fells is not to far away, Cassie is technically a city dog, This kind of behavior can lead to frustrating problems in the house training department. What happens when it rains or snows, what happens when you leave your dog with someone who cannot provide daily trips to the Fells?

Exposing your puppy to all kinds of condition and situation when eliminating will help to make your pup comfortable doing their business ANYWHERE!! For a multitude of reasons, your presence is essential during this time. One is to provide reinforcements after the deed is done, (this helps to communicate to your dog what you expect) and another is to make certain that your dog did the deed. This helps you establish a an idea of what kind of schedule your pooch is on.

For more information on what to do and what not to do while House Training your puppy visit, Zen Dog Training Online.

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