Senin, 02 Mei 2016

Picture Perfect

My raiser went to a Naval Academy event a few weeks ago, and decided to take me with her, since it would be a "great exposure" fur me!
I absolutely LOVED the event, all the humans there liked me, we got some furry cute pictures of my raiser & I, and best of all... there was FOOD! What a sec, that was something my raiser loved about the event... Im not allowed to eat human food :(
My raiser said I did furry well at the event, and obeyed wonderfully! There sure were a lot of people there... and I handled it perfectly! (of course...)
Enjoy the furry cute pictures below!


My furry awesome raiser and I...
Picture of Brandon in a sit-stay beside me (Im also sitting on the ground with him)

I give furry sweet kisses to my raiser!
Picture of Brandon laying down giving me kisses (yes, on my face!)

Stare down with my raiser...
Picture of Brandon and I sitting and giving each other a stare down

Picture of Brandon and I staring at the camera
Im soo furry cute looking...
Picture taken from Brandons level, with him in a down-stay staring at the camera

People LOVE me...
Picture of Brandon in a down-stay with people walking by (and stopping to pet him)

Look at all the people behind me, it was quite busy!
Picture of Brandon in a sit-stay with a crowd of people behind him

My raisers sister & I...
Picture of Brandon in a down-stay with my sister laying over him

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