Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Newest Friends

One of my raisers "dairy goats" just delivered twin girls Friday evening (born on April 1st!).

And she promised me Id get some playtime with the new little guys.... next thing I know, these 2 little babies are SLEEPING inside with us. (I think my raiser might love them more than me...) But I do have to say, that these little guys are soo cute in diapers!

My raiser does have to make sure I play calmly... evidently I can be a little "ruff" sometimes, but she says Im treating my new roommates very nicely.

Enjoy the pictures below! (and yes, they are both still inside the house)

**Please note, that my raiser does bottle raise all of our baby goats, as it keeps the babies really friendly, and then she gets all the milk from the adult goats - and the main reason the babies are inside, is the fact that its to cold outside for them right now**

Rudy - The dog with a blog

(Left to Right: "Persnickety Pineapple", Rudy, "Rambling Raspberry")

Picture of Rudy sniffing the baby goats (both babies are wearing human diapers and are in the house)

Picture of Rudy looking like hes going to kiss the baby goat

Picture of the 2 baby goats playing

picture of the babies eyeing Rudys nylabone

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