Selasa, 20 September 2016

When Honey met Toby

HRH has finally met a dog she can look into the eyes of without straining her neck.
Meet Toby.
When he first arrived Toby was somewhat reserved and took a day or two to come out of his shell and mix with the other dogs.
He was even more blasé about Honey, but a sudden mad dash with her one evening has changed all of that !
Its wonderful to see such a lovely pair of dogs enjoying themselves as well as seeing our dog play with a member of her own breed.

Now what could they be looking at I wonder ?
Ever seen a Chihuahua smile ? (Toby (r) )
Ever seen two Chihuahuas smiling ? !! (Honey left & Toby right)
Phew, time to catch a breath
"Can you see that man in the bushes with a camera ??"

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