Senin, 26 September 2016

Meet Scott the Dalmatian

For the past few weeks Ive had the pleasure of training Scott, a young Dalmatian.
Now living with his second owners, he has had the good fortune to be wanted by people who decided to change his highly original name to Scott, from ........ youve guessed it, Spot.
But Scott is having to endure a summer from hell and he is  suffering. The reason ? He doesnt like rain !
Im very pleased with the progress this young lad has made but as you can see from the top photograph, my idea of  a dog "sitting" arent quite the same as Scotts - though I can forgive him on this occasion, given the very wet conditions just below his bottom !
Also staying with me at the moment is Olive, a small Terrier who loves being here. On arrival a couple of days ago, there was a summary glance and goodbye to her owner before running off to see who was about ..... and whether a certain Chihuahua still lived here !
Together, Honey and Olive are absolute magic. Playtime never seems to stop. If anyone should peer through the window they would see two very small dogs racing around the chairs and settee in my living room, desperately trying to catch each other !
A mad house?
Yes, at times, but its always a fun house !!


Scott, hovering in the sitting position and desperate not to get a wet rear
And walking very well to heel
Dufton Pike is barely visible through the low clouds

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