Selasa, 27 September 2016

Battle of the Giants

Finally, Honey has met a dog she can look straight into the eyes of without suffering neck strain - and shes loving every minute of it!
Tilly is here for several weeks and is more than a match for my little dog. Theres never any problems created between the two, just alot of mad dashes and even madder glances at each other ! 

"At last ...... Im taller than another dog !!! "
The lovely dry weather somewhat disguises the real nip thats in the air when Im out on the tops. However, Pauls dog Jaffa and young Jaxson, who is boarding with me, seem completely unaware of it.

Jaffa (L) and Jaxson (R)
I have a first at the moment - namely Theo is the first German Shepherd who has boarded with me.
At just 6 months old, hes a large dog ..... even more so if youre a Chihuahua. However, Theos curiosity as to "whats this funny little thing ?" has been met with a rather cold reception by the Diva ! A few snaps here and a few snaps there have told him to back off, before she struts away, tail in the air !
Thank goodness Honey is a dog and not a human !

Day One and Theo decides to rest by the bosses chair !

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