Selasa, 06 September 2016

Spring is here I think

Me and my dog!
At some point each day I find a little time to train my own dog Tilly for gundog work.
Shes a Working Clumber Spaniel as opposed to the heavier built "show" dogs favoured by the Crufts judges !
Tillys stubborness is a trait of her breed - though at times Ive wanted to scream !
But my determination to have a well trained gundog is almost complete. I like to think this photo shows that the love isnt all one sided !

While my dog is on her final stages of shoot training, Frans dog Maddie is the next think to perfection !!

She has been to numerous shoots over the past year and Fran has won alot of admiration for the way shes trained her dog - not always an easy thing to achieve in the male world of shooting and beating.

While Ive been busy training and helping people sort their sheep chasing dogs out, Paul has been out and about with guest dogs. With Jake and Tilly having gone home after 5 weeks, Lewis is staying for a month, with company from Ruby.
While fog stopped the walk to Helvellyn at Keppel Cove dam (Paul tells me !), no such problems were encountered when he went up to Grisedale Tarn two days later.
Lewis enjoying the early spring sunshine
An early spring walk
Meanwhile Ruby is enjoying another stay with me and as I write lays by my feet! No doubt recovering from yesterdays walk. She certainly appears mystified by Lewis in the photo below.
Ruby and Lewis
Honey and best mate Jaffa
Well here are two dogs that are always pleased to see Ruby return ... though for rather different reasons. Poor Ruby only has to get off her bed for a drink and one of them will suddenly feel tired and need a lay down! Previous photos have shown that somewhere in Jaffas shadow you will find a little Chihuahua !

To see any of the photos in full size, left click the image then when it shows, right click it then select "view image" A small "magnifying glass" which you click for the full effect. Then use the "back arrow" to return to the post. Easy !

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