Sabtu, 10 September 2016

The Importance of Basic Dog Obedience Training by Loloy Diango

For some time now, dogs were regarded as an important member of the human family. The time and effort we spend Caring for our dogs have always translated into the lives of loyalty and friendships forged between us and our furry friends. No wonder that the dog was called "mans best friend."

Owning a dog can be a rewarding and happy experience for the whole family. Deciding to own a dog must be an important decision, an issue that can not be taken superficially, simply because a dog is not only a furry, a present fun, fun or diversion.

Basic dog obedience training is certainly a need for all dogs. Basic dog obedience training is more than just tell a dog to do what we want to do. It is a way to teach a dog to behave properly or in a way that seems right under certain conditions or circumstances.

Good dog obedience training is certainly not a "do-it-quick" thing. It is a continuous, throughout the process - a work in constant progress. It should continue for the life of a dog. Dog obedience training - whether basic or advanced - has become ever more important today, while many dog owners bring their dogs in so many places they go.

Good dog obedience training should start when a dog is still a puppy. The first four months of a dogs life are very important in its formation. This is the period where he learned behavior that practice in his life. This is the right time to teach your dog basic commands such as sit and recovery.

It should be noted that the dog obedience training methods or procedures are not created equal. There are different types of training, approaches and methodologies that have come to be developed over the years that deal with dog obedience training.

But the positive dog obedience training is quickly becoming the preferred method of dog training. This method of training is possible for almost all young dogs.

Obedience training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. A dog who undertook training of quality and confidence is friendly and can be given greater social freedom that a dog was not trained at all. A dog trained to fairly basic commands issued by its current owner.

Dog obedience training is more than training your dog, is the teaching of too dog owner. Dog through obedience training is something any dog owner should do. Il devrait être une expérience utile à la fois pour le chien et le propriétaire de chien.

And because the training is all about communication, it is important that dog owners must learn to communicate with their dog. Talk to your dog. Talk to your dog that you love every day. Even if you do not say I love you "to your furry friend, look him square in the eye and say something - anything.

We all be recognized and accepted as a member of the family. Dogs understand human language more than we think they do. Get your dog attention like you would a person be called by its name and its right to inspect it when we talk about him.

One of the main points of obedience training in this respect is to teach your dog to sit on command. Training your dog to sit is probably the first thing you see your dog doing.

To begin training: say "sit" while gently pressing his rump and the holding of a dog above her head. When a dog is obliged to look upward, theyll sit on its hind legs.

When you want your dog to sit, hold a treat a little above his head and say "stop." As the dog is sitting, sit back and say then immediately give him the treat. Your dog should be deposited in a sitting position in order to reach food.

Another favorite command base that we like to teach our dogs is recovering. Teaching your dog to fetch the promotion and liaison is a great way to give your dog exercise.

To do this, first throw a ball - but not too far, even if - and give the command "fetch". As inevitably the dog starts to run toward it, shouting "fetch" again. If there is no ball available for you use, you can use any object that your dog loves to play with more, which make him want to retrieve.

Remember not to try to play with heavy objects or sticks as it may harm your dog or for any damages teeth.

The most basic dog obedience training is to get your dog to sit and recovery. As I said earlier in this article, a dog obedience training is not a "do-it-fast" thing: it is a continuous, throughout the process - a work in constant progress.

Dog obedience training is also a very physical, so tired and exhausted all is a party. And how is never without risk of injury, particularly regarding more aggressive dog breeds.

However, the dog obedience training is certainly a must for all dogs. A big mistake many pet owners is to think that training a dog will be more in a short period of time. This, of course, is a gross misconception. Training your dog continues throughout your dogs life.

Dog obedience training is a breeze with the right attitude of the owner and dog in good conditions. Start training your dog today and make his life and yours much better in the future.

About the author

Loloy Diango has always been fascinated by dogs since he was a child. A dyed-in-the-dog lovers wool, he built a website for her family pet, Bodjie, a lovely race mix-Pomerania. Find more information dog, get free downloads and meet Bodjie

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