Rabu, 21 September 2016

I’m Still Here !

Don’t let my absence from the blog give you the impression that my feet are up and I’m having a rest from the dog world. Far from it !
I’ve been busy helping with sheep chasing dogs, basic training and home visits for behaviour problems.
A week ago I spent three hours with a lovely lady and her Collie who live close to beautiful Coniston. A short drive compared to Sunday, when I went  further afield – to Huddersfield !
Poppy, a dog I’d had stay recently for a month, had returned to some of her old ways for her owner and was starting to make life difficult again.
It was lovely to see how Poppy responded to me when we met again. And of course her attitude was one of  “what else would you like me to do for you Janet ? “ !.
By the time I left things had greatly improved. Poppy was respecting her owner and it was a real pleasure to see V. with much more confidence – something that has since been confirmed in an email that tells me everything is going to be great for both of them.
No photos this time but get ready for some of Barney - with his deadly swiping tail ! - and 5 mth old Lucy, who weve rather taken to our hearts for her gutsy attitude ! (Look out Honey)


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