Minggu, 18 September 2016

Meet Reggie the Sprocker

Meet another residential training guest of mine, Reggie.
This young dog is a Sprocker - Cocker Spaniel / Springer Spaniel mix. Sadly things didnt work out with his original owners and he had a rather sad time with them. However, all that has changed and he now lives with people who really do care about this lively little character.
At the moment Im working on gaining his respect while at the same time getting him to calm down. Reggie is very hyper. At the moment he is not off the lead, even in the garden, and wont be until Im confident in his recall. But Im very pleased with his progress so far and look forward to the next few weeks.
Meanwhile Scott, another residential training guest, improves all the time.
And with a couple of dry days behind us, he seems far happier to leave the house !

Having fun - a long line prevents him from running into the sunset
The delights of a ball
Charge !

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