Sabtu, 10 September 2016

Avoid the fish !

Life is never dull. Having met Fran for lunch a couple of days ago, I decided to opt for the British favourite of fish and chips. I should have gone with soup!
Somehow I  managed to get a fish bone lodged in my throat and as a result had to stay overnight at the Cumberland Infirmary, where I was knocked out before the damn thing could be removed !!
Some wit had put the bone in a small tube and wrote on the side "Nil By Mouth - Do Not Swallow" !
Jack went back to his owners two days ago - only to disgrace himself on his first full day home. This morning I paid a home visit to try and determine what had actually happened and to make this potential bruiser realise just where he stands in the pack !
At the moment, I have my long term friend (no longer "guest"!) Spike staying and a new arrival, Gracie, who is boarding with me for four nights.
But enough dog talk. Im off to puree my dinner.


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