Rabu, 14 September 2016

Ive gone back to school

Annie is now 5 months old and being a Clumber Spaniel, shes been blessed with a wonderful sense of smell. 
With the help of two members of the mountain rescue Ive opted to put this to good use by training her to track, rather than the alternative gundog. These are still early days and as a young dog with alot of growing still to do, distance is limited but so far things look really promising.

Paul lets Annie sit on the front seat while Ive popped into a shop !

Seeing four dogs of the same colour and size looks contrived but trust me its not.
I caught these four sharing one bed in front of the Aga. Now if this is not cosy then what is ??
Paul tends to leave his camera in the kitchen which allowed me to use it without any disturbance, although on reflection I doubt anything or anyone could have made these four move !

l to r: Charlie Maddie,Nellie and Cash

Meet Swift, a sevn month old Vizsla who decided to show me his serious and scary look ! But these looks do not portray his character, which is that of a lovely soft lad.

Swift without ears ........

........ and with ears.

I see beds of all shapes and sizes, but sometimes its not the actual owner who sleeps on it - just ask poor Milo. The only time he would have fitted onto this bed would have been for the first few days of his life !
Given how the lad may have been feeling Paul felt that the "red eye" problem (from the flash) was very apt


And these are the dogs claiming squatters rights on Milos bed.Its obviously not a guilt that keeps any of them awake !

Charlie Tilly and Cedar
Yet again Charlie is more than happy to doze off anywhere - and use anything as a pillow.Pity HRH withat big head on her !

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