Kamis, 29 September 2016

Dog Training Problems By Anthony W Robinson

If you have problems in training dogs, youre not alone. In fact, most people who are dog owners who wish they knew how to effectively train their dog. Fortunately, there are several good ways to teach your dog obedience, and with what Ill show you in this article, you can be well on your way to have a dog behaves well. First, I must dispel a myth when it comes to issues of training dogs.

You can not teach an old dog new tricks

In fact, you can. Although it is easier to train a puppy, it is certainly not impossible to train an adult dog. Certainly, you need more time to train an adult dog because it is already learned behavior, but it can be done. I let you in on a little secret of dog training: it takes time and consistency. Most people mistakenly believe that this will happen overnight, but it will not. The dogs you see who are well trained obtained in this way because of the commitment of their owner.

My dog will not walk on a leash!

It is a common problem when a dog will not walk on a leash. Okay, maybe the dog will walk, but not the way you want him? The main reason for this behavior is because your dog does not respect you. I know that sounds harsh, but its the truth. Remember that dogs are pack animals and behave as such. Your dog is looking for alpha dog, which is supposed to be you. If you do not alpha behavior, your dog will assume this role and you walk around the block. If your dog pulls, lung, walks too fast or too slow, because they understand they are responsible and go wherever and whenever they want during your walk. To correct this, start by reducing the dog of force to walk beside you. Ideally, you want him to walk a little behind you, but you must work in May for this. Also, make walking the dog on the same side of you every time. This will again establishes the domination and make your dog more in line.

I have no dog, I have a kangaroo!

Ah, yes - jumping beans. Jumping Up is a very common problem in dogs, but according to the size of your dog, may be painful. Jumping is one of the easiest dog training to correct the problems, because it is your fault. I hate to say it, but you learned your dog jumping on you, now you teach them not to do so. When your dog is a puppy running and more, jumping on your lap, did you consider him and pet? If you did, you taught him to jump to get affection. Your dog does not realize that it is exorbitant and you bruise, it is literally jumping for joy. What to do? This is the easy part. To stop this problem, simply turn the back of your dog. Remember that your dog is a pack animal needs and social acceptance. By turning its back on him, he will learn that jumping results to be avoided. Since your dog desire is to please you, it will soon stop jumping to find your approval.

For more information on typical doggie behavior, including a fantastic resource for training know-how and expense of detailed information on prevention and treatment of problem behaviors, see http://www.squidoo.com / dogtraining-problems

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_W_Robinson

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