Jumat, 01 Juli 2016

What a wonderful job I have

The challenges thrown up by a dog staying for residential training can be many and varied - thats why theyre here in the first place.
Wally, a young Border Collie is a prime example. A real fear of traffic made lead work very difficult, with the young lad pulling furiously, but little by little we are achieving success. These are still early days, but I feel Wally is trusting us more and more and with that will come even better results.
The sight of a loose lead when faced with on-coming traffic is wonderful - well done Wally !

A loose lead on a relaxed dog

The sharpness of Wallys eyes

"Car ? What car Janet ?"

A beautiful young dog giving me his undivided attention.
The BFG -aka Chester- has returned for a few days boarding. By the looks of things, his relaxation in the river was quickly disturbed by Sumo- who cant understand why any dog would want to relax on holiday. Surely thats when you can have more fun than usual ?!
Poor Chester ! He ends up looking broken, sitting on his bottom holding only a small piece of "his" stick. Same time next year Chester ?

Time to relax ......
... before that pesky Sumo bothers me !
One big dog with a stick
One little dog with the same stick
One broken and dispirited dog with the end of his stick !
The feeling I (and Paul) get from training gives us a real sense of satisfaction and the drive to carry on with even the most difficult of dogs. One such dog was Magda, a young Cockerpoo. 
She was very uneasy around other dogs, wouldnt think twice about having a snap at a hand ( through nervousness) and would be the last dog to have outside the house without a lead on.
But how things have changed !
Paul has worked hard with her and she is now a different character. Today he decided that she was good enough to be trusted off lead on a "proper" walk, and to his great delight she rarely went further than a few yards before checking in with him. No interest in sheep or running away either and as usual, he had his camera at hand to record the event !

No lead, just a beautiful view which Magda is enjoying

The freedom to run for miles - but she never does
Weve hit the summit, out of breath but happy !

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