Sabtu, 23 Juli 2016

New Recruits

The blog has been a bit quiet and I dont know why as alot has been going on!

Lewis arrived a week ago for a month of training with me, he is a lovely Collie who just needs to be taught some manners and also needs to learn that the post does NOT need help coming through the letter box!

Another new arrival is staying for just 1 week of training, I call it having a tidy up.... her owner has done the training with me and while he is away I am putting in the finishing touches. She is a lovely little black lab called Jussi and she is having a lovely time making new friends.

Prospetive clients have been visiting me and my guest dogs in the view of boarding their dogs with me here. This is great as I can put their minds at rest that their pet is going to be very well looked after with me, they leave feeling very happy that while they are away on holiday there dog will be having a good time too.

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