Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016

Clicker Dog Training Kind Dog Training Clicker Dog Training Kind Dog Training

Clicker training is an established method of training among the most modern behavior dog trainers, in fact, in many forms, it has been around long among the animals trainers. It is a misconception that circus animals and zoo animals learned to put on a show have historically been taught using cruel methods, but not the case. So, back to the clicker.

A click is a small device held in the hand of the trainer or owner who, not surprisingly, creates a "click" sound. The sound is made to say that the dog did something good. For example, you ask the dog to "sit" and he did. Upon his bottom touches the ground, the clicker is used to make noise, such as "good job". The moment and highlights the exact moment when the dog did what you want.

Example Clicker Training:

As an example of how this method works on a step by step, here is a typical scenario:

Sit gesture is shown in dog.The word "sit" is used in conjunction with the hand signal.

The dog is sitting. His low touching the ground.
The word "sitting" is used in conjunction with the hand signal.
At the very seconds 3. occurs, the clicker is activated.
The clicking noise is immediately followed by treatment and praise.

The basic principle

But what does this for the dog? Ah, well, when you start clicker training with you a positive association in his mind with the clicker sound by following the click immediately with a food-based reward. This is a great exercise in itself to establish associations with the click sound. Finally, you can withdraw from the use of food processing, but the association is established and then the dog behaves just for the reward of the single click.

A slight problem with the clicker training is that the trainer should be fitted at any time with the clicker (it is wise to buy a few inexpensive items to make sure you always have one in hand) and of trafficking in food. It is not difficult to do, but the timing is just as the behavior of the dog - Click - reward routine must be instantaneous.

There is no reason to have a non-unruly dog that bothers you in the audience. Get the information you need on the training of dogs Ticker, easy, fast and efficient train your dog. If you want to know more about dog training through a click, visit and learn more about Pet Dog Training There is no reason to have a non-unruly dog that bothers you in public.

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