Jumat, 15 Juli 2016

Advanced Dog Training Exercises and Tips By Juana Cruz

Dog owners in turn advanced dog training exercise to make your dog happy and obedient. When called to come is one of the most common and important lessons must control dogs. It is a lesson to be learned dogs for security reasons, for him to avoid being struck by a car, to participate in the fight with other animals and other adverse events.

To keep your training sessions lively and fun for your dog, give him lots of treats and praise when he does something right. Similarly, your training should be a fun game. Dogs are naturally aggressive animals, so you better make sure that their energy is not wasted when you train your pet.

Before the training session, to test if your pet responds well to treat you on him. To test, wave one of its regular in front of his nose. If it shows enthusiasm for it, it means he is ready for training. Otherwise, wait for him to settle on a receptive state of mind. Is recommended for dog training treats dog training games are small pieces of chicken, cheese or liver, or whatever your dog love. Use small pieces of food to prevent overeating it.

Now, heres how Summoner your dog to come if necessary. You can do in a game back and forth recall. In this exercise, two or more persons are needed. The Game They begin by standing ten meters in a safe place, like a fenced garden. The first person calls the animal and ordered him to sit down and stay until the other person directs the dog to come. When the dog follows the command to come, the person must give him a treat. When performing this exercise, only one person who called the dog is allowed to offer him a treat. This exercise has not only the dog learns to come when called, he also teaches to come to a person other than the owner, which is useful when the owner is not there.

When the pet that you are familiar with the technical people should start to spread further, turning The Game hide and seek. To hide and seek, two or more people standing in the central room of the house. Each time they instructed the dog to eat, they move farther from the plant. The Game As a result, a person must be found at one end of the house, while another May be found at the opposite end. The dog must find the person with the process and not just to come in person asking. In this game, youll need to feed your dog natural hunting skills, because after all, dogs are naturally skilled hunters hunt for food to live in the wild.

Come if necessary, as we said, is a useful and practical technique every dog should master. It saves him so many cases undesirable, and can be used in many daily situations.

To learn other advanced dog training exercises and other training assistance dog, read the famous dog training ebook, "Sit Stay Fetch", as recommended by thousands of dog owners in the world wide.

"SitStayFetch" is recommended for the dog training book frustrated and confused dog owners regardless of their experience. It is a comprehensive manual on dog ownership, health, behavior, training and obedience, written by a dog trainer Daniel Stevens season. It is strongly recommended book that has helped thousands of other dog owners train their dogs in an efficient and easy. For a detailed discussion, visit my lens on dog training and obedience.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Juana_Cruz

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