Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

The Pack

Our daughter Fran is in Montana USA and Ive been left in charge of her Pack - quite an honour. Shes due back in a few weeks time and I know shes already looking forward to seeing her beloved dogs again - and with good reason ! (On the group shot, L to R - Maddie, Nellie & Cash)

Meet Maddie, a highly trained gun dog whos won competitions for trialling after a spot of mousing !!

Back in for a few days boarding are Bailey and Fudge, who stayed with us earlier this year for residential training. They were a pair of loveable monsters when they arrived then, but when they were dropped off this time they were excellent and its so good to see that their owners have maintained the training !
And with those tails there little chance of us losing them !

When our fields grow as many buttercups as they do, its not surprising that Fudge comes out the colour that she does.

I thought I would post this photograph Id been sent from my youngest daughter Fran, whos currently on a ranch in Montana. No wonder she loves the state.

Toddle Cottage a mad house ? Surely not !! Believe me, this was not staged. Paul had his camera near him when Tod inexplicably chose the comfort of this bed over his own ...... I just hope Honey our Chihuahua doesnt find him in it !

Meet Ruby, one of my residential training dogs. Shes a Podenco x Husky. The Podenco breed comes from Spain and are used as hunting dogs. Ive been assured by her owner that Ruby enjoys off lead exercise and that if given the chance will just run and run and .... So as you can imagine, Ruby is not allowed off lead yet !

Few dogs can resist the temptation of laying in the sunshine, and boarding dog Spot is no different !

Annie, my two year old, is a very curious youngster .......... which is not always a good thing !!!

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