Sabtu, 09 Juli 2016

Sleepless nights

Having a litter of puppies to keep an eye on is a lovely experience though its not all plain sailing. While some prefer to feed from their mother, others are opting for solid foods, though for one little character its all too much - cue Janet !
I lifted his head, washed his face then laid him down on something far more comfortable ..... and all without waking him !

"My favourite pillow"

Not so many weeks ago two brothers were doing much the same thing as above - but now look at them !
Cash (l) and Sumo (r) are almost 4mths old and playtime is very rough and tumble. In truth theyre being raised completely seperately so this type of behaviour doesnt happen very often.

A wet field and an opponent - perfect !
Meanwhile a very different dog has come to stay with me for a few weeks training - a West Siberian Laika named Zorro.
He has been brought  into the UK by his owner who helped raise him as a pup while in Russia. This 8mth old lad is a very impressive looking dog and is the first Ive met of this particular breed.

A very proud looking Zorro

One of my recent boarding dogs was Moss, who was brought by his owners from Switzerland while they enjoyed a holiday in the Lakes. I was told that he pulled very badly on his lead but after one day of staying with me, that particular trait was gone. Well done Moss !


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