Jumat, 08 Juli 2016

Max Hugo and Tazzy too !

Meet Hugo and Max, two boisterous 13 month old Black Labradors who arrived a few weeks ago for residential training.
For the first 2 / 3 weeks (!) these two believed that the world belonged to them, but now they realise lifes not as simple as that and that the key to everything is respect !
Individually theyre great, but Im now working on the goal of having them off lead together, without causing any mayhem. Its not simple but everyday a little more progress  is being made and we will get there !

A very pensive Hugo
Predator and prey or simply just good friends ? (Charlie is carrying a tennis ball)
If youve not come across an Australian Labradoodle before, meet Tazzy, a young girl whos stayed with me for the weekend. Shes had freedom albeit by the use of a long line, but as you can see, wasnt hampered in her movements while playing with little Molly.
Meanwhile Tilly lays in the background, oblivious to everything as she chews her favourite toy !

"Steady Molly, that was close !"
"Ouch ! I said steady !!"

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