Minggu, 17 Juli 2016

Dog parks

Say what you will about dog parks being a bad idea,*cough* Leerburg *cough*, but they are extremely helpful if you know how to keep your dog from acting up. Leerburg is a very popular training website that provides many items for dog training, everything from informational DVDs to training equipment, but they have the whole pack dominance theory wrong. A companion dogs purpose is just that, to be a companion, not a submissive subject. Its a mutualistic relationship, each side providing something for the other. Personally, my main stress relief is playing with a dog. I dont personally own a dog (dont have a job or a place I can have one) but my family has owned dogs all my life and I do have a lot of experience raising them. Needless to say, that stress isnt there when I go to class the next day. Dog parks provide much the same function for dogs; they get to run around and play with other dogs and just have fun. It also gives you an insight of what aspects of your relationship with your dog needs to be worked on. For example, if your dog starts to play a little too rough and you cant call them out with just his or her name then it is likely that your dog doesnt know your voice well enough. You can fix that by talking more when playing with your dog.
                    There isnt much more that I can say on the subject as of right now, but this is how I can sum it up.
Dog parks are amazing. They are a great way of socialization for both your dog and you. They are a great way to see what aspects of your relationship you need to work on, one such aspect being able to get your dogs attention when they are heavily distracted. The exercise and fresh air are enough to keep a happy relationship between you and your dog.
Dont forget to socialize with the other dog owners. Who knows, you might meet someone. ;)

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