Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Dogs Obedience Training The 5 Basic Commands By Adrian Van Drunen

There are many commands that can be used in your dog obedience training, here is a list of basic commands and how to train your dog to make them.

• Sit down - This is the first and most basic command to teach dogs. Start by gently pushing your dog extreme and say the word sit. Which is caught in time to what you want.

• Down - This is the second command we want to address. Use this command to save the excitable dogs jumping on people. To train this command to tell your dog when you start jumping to them, do not act excited when they jump on you and if necessary, put your legs on the ground physically.

• Stay - stay command is as follows. Placement of a treatment on the ground and moves forward command "Stay", can be handy as I say. Moving further, and begin to obey.

• Come on - This command continues to stay. Your dog needs a command to know when it is okay to come to you. When the command to come and help change the tone of his voice and put a little excitement in his voice too. It can help to pat his leg in the beginning, but will resume soon enough.

• Stand - This is the last of the basic commands. Pat your hands on his chest and with enthusiasm in his voice of command stand. He will begin to know the difference when you can and when it is not.

Your dogs obedience training should begin as soon as you and your dog is ready. Consistency is important when training fun and you will be rewarded with a happy, obedient companion.

For more information on obedience training, or for more information about the behavior of dogs obedient Visit K-9.

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