Minggu, 24 Juli 2016

Free Online Dog Training Tips By Juana Cruz

Dog training could be a difficult and lengthy task, but in the end, the rewards are enormous and the value of your time and patience. There are options at home training of dogs: either you train your dog on your own or you send your dog a dog training and obedience school where he is taught by an expert. If you train your dog by yourself then you can do with dog free online training or advice books and magazines or buying a decent manual, which teaches the subject.

Knowing a dog deeply intrinsic behavior, how dogs interact with each other, and how dogs are the key changes to training and successfully him to become a much wiser pet . By studying how they interact and why they behave in a specific way, not only train you to become a much wiser for pets, but you will know much better.

Dogs probably the descendants of small wolf orphans adopted at the beginning of man. After a while they probably learned including human behavior, such as the protection of the cave or scaring off predators. As an exchange for implementing these learned behaviors, the man gave the dog food and shelter.

At present, this kind of relationship still exists, with dogs to protect people, property and livestock of their human masters.

If you train your dog yourself, it is important to keep in mind always that dogs are naturally pack animals. When dogs live in packs, hierarchical orders are built, which do not change unless the alpha dog is injured or dies. All other dogs are aware of their place and learn to take command of the Alpha Dog, which acts as the leader of the pack.

The alpha dog, who is the leader, is the head of the group and leads the pack in the difficult survival issues such as finding food and avoiding larger predators. For a dog training to be successful, must stand Alpha Dog your dog must follow all the time. For you to be the alpha dog in your master-animal relationship, you should earn his respect, and when you do, it will be you, which is very essential in the next period of training dogs.

It is obvious why dog owners want to train their dogs successfully. For one, a very docile dog is a joy to have, bring family members at ease, especially with breeds of dogs deemed dangerous, such as Doberman, Rottweilers and pit bulls.

To train your dog more obedient, you have to make the underlying causes why your dog behaves this way. For example, one reason why a dog chews is separation anxiety.

If your dog suffers from the behavior of some, faced with this question itself is how to make him behave properly. You should not assume also the human and dog behavior are the same. Dogs and humans react and behave differently to the same situation.

But there is a characteristic that humans and dogs have in common, and they need to establish linkages and socialize with their groups. This need was an innate need for a goal, and will continue to be there for our benefit over time.

If you want to teach your dog more obedient, more disciplined and more trained, I recommend "SitStayFetch" by Daniel Stevens. It is a dog and obedience training manual that answers all questions dog owners, regardless of experience, cope. Check out my review of this ebook to my dog training and obedience Squidoo page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Juana_Cruz

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