Selasa, 05 Juli 2016

Dog training and rewards Repetition Works! John H Dow

Dog behavior training is both an art and a science. Some experts say that the dog may have up to 800 words of vocabulary. I am not so convinced of the number of words, but I can verify that many of my dogs have shown an amazing ability to understand exactly what I am trying to communicate.

One of the best advice of dog training Ive ever had was a neighbor when I saw my first puppy. I was about 9 years and this was the best gift my parents never gave me. My neighbor is an old hand at training dogs and had living proof in his own dog.

The first thing I did when I Skipper (not sure why I chose this name, it sounds just right) was to rush and show more of my neighbor. His name was difficult to pronounce so everyone in the neighborhood known simply MD Thus, Mr. D was kind enough to launch some dogs basic training and taught me a lot about how to take care of my new puppy.

Mr. Ds dog is a Jack Terrier named Willie. Willie could do any trick, and to respond to almost any request. Willie was about the course of this district and was known to all. In those days people leave their dog since there were no laws and leaves nobody complained. My mom gave Willie often leftover soup or a bone when he stopped for a visit.

So when I showed it with Skipper, Willie was as excited as I was to have a new playmate. Skipper is a Springer Spaniel that saved us from the city dog pound. Skipper was probably about 6 months but we never knew for sure the dog pound did not know where he was born.

The first agenda was your basic dog training. I got off easy on this phase since Skipper seemed to prefer to go outside to do her chores bathroom. From the first day Skipper would go to the door and want to be out when he must go.

Mr. D explained that the two most important things about any type of dog training have been rewards and repetition. The reward can be as simple as rent or a pat on the head. And I should spend at least 30 minutes a day working with the master on what I wanted to learn to do.

Thus, each day, I would spend 30 minutes learning how to stay Skipper, sit, look, come and when I called. Willie would come over and help too. I do not know if they actually have been reported but another dog around already knew that all these tips have been beneficial.

Skipper has also shown a strong ability to recover. Of course, I did not know when it was natural retriever born and took credit for a large dog and the coach. Once I was at the base, I worked on teaching Skipper how to heel, Play Dead, and not jump on people.

Skipper started learning on his own too. When I was at school or somewhere that Skipper could not go, my mother would be his next companion of choice. In those days we had what was called a library which was a bus from the local library coming to the neighborhood twice a week.

Skipper that when the library has come he got to go for a walk with my mother. So, like clockwork, Skipper would get my mother when she was about 2:00 pm Tuesday and Friday. Skipper liked to go because he got to sit at the door and welcome everyone has shown that every day.

Skipper also knew when it was Saturday. Saturday was grocery-shopping day and when my mother went to the store it has always asked the meat department for some bones. Skipper knew he would do his favorite snack on Saturday afternoon when my mother returned to the store.

For 14 years Skipper was my companion and escort. Skipper is a dog unique provision, learning ability, and affection. I also had a great advantage of a helpful neighbor and watch him and his dog. Mr. D and Willie have both an enormous help and positive influence.

Dog training requires some dedicated efforts but the rewards are more than worth the investment. My dog, Tuxcitto, is 24 / 7 project because it is a Border Collie and full of vigor and vim. But Tuxcitto is a little like Skipper as it is a quick learner and very affectionate companion.

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