Sabtu, 23 April 2016

Wheres Rudy

Rudy has made a brief appearance on SEGDIS Blog this week!
I was quite excited when viewing their latest post, as they had many pictures of recent IFT dogs... and luckily Rudy was in the group!
Thankfully Rudy has his "brindle markings" which allows me to "somewhat" tell him apart - but when the picture is slightly blurry, the markings arent visible.
As you can tell in the pictures below... Rudy is having a blast, and happens to be the only dog jumping! (He never got the "exposure" of playing with many other dogs).

I sure hope Rudy is behaving himself, and I wish him the best of luck!

Rudys Raiser

Picture of a group of black dogs (5) - running with a trainer, Rudy is the dog on the far left... on 2 feet! (if you view the picture larger, you can see his brindle markings on his face)

Picture of 3 black dogs playing... IF Rudy is one of them, hes the dog on the far right... on 2 feet! (the picture is a little blurry... so I cant tell if hes got the markings - but anytime Rudy plays... hes always jumping, and notice the fur on his back? its got to be Rudy!)

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