Jumat, 15 April 2016


As you can tell from the pictures below, Im wearing a very bright - neon pink bandage (not that I picked the color or anything), on my right front paw.

Though my raiser doesnt know how it happened, I somehow slightly cracked a toenail... and got blood everywhere. It was still attached pretty well, so my raiser was following our Area Coordinators advice - and she was going to leave it attached. But I ended up tearing it completely off... (which made my raiser worry) so after talking with the Vet on the phone, my raiser ended up taking me in to the Vets office, to get it looked at (just to make sure). The Vet told my raiser that I should spend the next few days resting... no running & jumping around.

But my raiser was surprised to here that (if Im feeling up to it) I can attended the guide dog meeting this weekend.

(I hurt my "little" toenail on the far right).

The good news is... my "resting time" includes visiting all my blogging furiends!

Furry kisses!

Rudy - The dog with a blog

Up Close picture of Rudys paw - with the neon pink bandage on

Picture of Rudy laying down sleeping - his paw is in the bandage

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