Senin, 11 April 2016

My Pizza Cook and a sad GOOD BYE to Big Al

(Written by Rudys Raiser)
For all my current readers, you know that Rudy has been participating in a "puppy swap" in our guide dog group. (for 2 weeks - all the raisers swap dogs, which helps with the dogs training and much more!) .
Rudy will be coming back tomorrow (after our guide dog meeting) and Al will be heading home.
**Ive got many more pictures of Al, that Ive not had time to let Al post... so we will be doing a couple more posts about him, next week, complete with pictures!
Onto my awesome Pizza Cook helper...
Tonight, is PIZZA NIGHT at our house (we make our VER OWN pizza) and Al has decided to "help" with some things...
Up close picture of Als face - with flour ALL over it! He looks like a older dog, with grey hair
Picture of Al in a sit - behind him you can see the pizza pans and hes got flour all over his face!
He was a great helper... by NOT tasting AND ignoring the pizza/dough!
But he did seem to get a "little" bit of flour on his face (trust me, it was an accident... but makes for very cute pictures!).
Please make sure to leave a comment saying good bye to Al - he does leave tomorrow morning and I know will miss all of you!
Ill miss him for sure, but I will be doing a couple posts with pictures of him next week (Um... I never got the time to post all the pictures of Al!)
For all who have (or MAY) enter Rudys Valentines Giveaway (which was going to end tomorrow), please note that we are postponing the ending date... Till the FIRST of March 2011 (This coming Tuesday). Due to the fact that Im REALLY, REALLY busy :)
And with the huge banquet and auction coming up this weekend... I know all of us will be quite busy!
So make sure to head over and enter Rudys Giveaway... which now ends 3-1-2011.

Wishing Al a very happy but tearful Good-Bye - we will miss you dearly (and I know all of our furry awesome followers will too!), but we sure enjoyed the time you were here... and know you are dying to get back with your very own raisers!

Rudys Raiser and... "Big" Als Puppy Swap Handler

Liberty will sure miss you!
Picture of Al & Liberty playing - Liberty is laying upside down and Al is mouthing her
Picture of Al laying down beside Liberty - after a hard day of playing

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