Senin, 18 April 2016

Adult Day Care

I had my first visit at an Adult Day Care this past Friday; my raiser was really looking forward to this visit, because she wanted to see how I would handle myself around a bunch of people that just wanted to pet and love on me.
I was a wee bit excited at first, but when my raiser told me to do a "down-stay" beside some of the people (to show she had control over me), I soon realized I had to behave, in order to get loved on.
Fur being an (almost) 5 month old Lab, my raiser was very impressed at how calm I stayed (after I first got started), she even had some issues getting me to GET UP and move on to the next person who wanted to pet me :)
It was a great experience fur me, and we will be scheduling another visit with them, furry soon! 
Before leaving, we also "ran into" a Goldendoodle therapy dog, who was furry friendly (we were allowed to meet) and was doing great fur his first trip out!
My raisers sister kindly came along too, and took lots of pictures, so I have included a few below :)


Everybody just LOVED me, I guess Im furry cute!
Picture of Brandon in a down-stay at the Adult Day Care, he is resting his head on someones leg - and also being petted by the lady who is in the wheelchair right beside him
? I even got to sit in the lap of a man who was blind; he would keep repeating over & over "he knows, he knows" (as in: me (the doggy) knows that he is blind) - I gave him lots of kisses & made him feel good! (this was with his permission, of course!)
Picture of Brandon sitting in a mans lap (with my permission!) and giving him kisses on his face (this person also happens to be blind)
My raiser even gave me a command sometimes, to "ignore" the person petting me... I did a furry good job at that!
Picture of Brandon in a sit-stay while someone (who is kneeling on the ground beside him) pets him

Sometimes I had to "work" in order to get the people to pet me, but in the end... they ALWAYS fell fur me :)
Picture of Brandon getting loved on by people in chairs
Being a therapy dog is HARD WORK! 
Picture of Brandon SLEEPING beside someones feet, while she pets him (no idea how "getting petted" can tire him out; but this happened quite a few times!)

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