Senin, 25 April 2016

Christmas Pictures

Wait, Christmas pictures??
Oh yeah - my furry forgetful raiser FORGOT to take pictures of me in front of the Christmas Tree until NEW YEARS EVE.
I dont get why she takes pictures with a Christmas tree... a WEEK after Christmas!?
Oh well, at least I look furry cute :)
Hope all of you have a great weekend - my raiser is off to some 4-H thing this afternoon, but due to the fact that shes never been to this certain event - I have to stay home (for certain reasons), but she did mention something about leaving frozen meat/PB filled bones for me!
Furry Friday Kisses,

The dog with a blog

Picture of Rudy in a down-stay wearing a Santa Hat in front of the Christmas tree
Picture of Rudy in a sit-stay wearing a Santa Hat in front of the Christmas tree

Picture of Rudy & I laying in front of the Christmas tree - both of us are wearing Santa hats

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