Kamis, 28 April 2016

Exciting Brandon Update!

*(Written by Brandons raiser)*
I apologize for the lack of blog posts, but I do have a long overdue and very exciting update for everyone...

We were notified that Brandon was sadly career changed from becoming a working guide dog due to major medical issues.  We were quite sadden by this news, but we were anxious to hear what his new career choice might be...
Not many days passed and we were told that Brandon was chosen to become a bomb and arson dog!  "Bomb Sniffing Dog". This is a very different career choice, but it sounds like it was a perfectly career for our sweet Brandon.
Included below is the most recent information that weve received about Brandon, we are very excited at the possibility of receiving more updates about Brandon and hearing what interesting things hes been doing.   We were also happy to learn that Brandon was picked for this career along with his brother, so hell be working with a friendly face!

Another exciting update is the wonderful decision that Ive decided to raise my 6th guide dog puppy! We just received a new puppy last night, and I look forward to updating you all soon about him...

- Brandons Raiser

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