Kamis, 14 April 2016

Dog Training Advice

People who have new puppies are often interested in advice n how to train their dogs. They may wonder about how to potty train them or teach them commands. Generally, training a dog comes down to staying a step ahead at all times. This requires patience and lots of time. People who want to train their dogs should know that it can take a lot of work and especially consistency. The advice most commonly given by pro trainers is to reward dogs for their obedience.

Common dog tricks such as rolling over, shaking or licking hands etc. fall under dog obedience training but many dogs like these and consider them games. If you turn training into a game, especially if there are rewards involved, you will have a lot more success. As the dog realizes that certain behaviors are rewarded he will begin obeying your commands. To teach your dog not to do certain things you should use tactics like ignoring or using a firm “no”. For example, if your dog wants to play and you do not you should just ignore him, this is usually more effective than taking away his toy or talking to him.

People who really want to be successful at training their dog should join a dog training school. There both they and there dogs will be taught commands which can be practiced later at home. When following one of these courses it is very important that people apply the techniques they learn such as praising and rewarding.

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